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+ 49 351 455-45599
Our Sort code and BIC
Sort code85050300

Sparkassen-Card (debit card)

Comfortable and cashless

Sparkassen-Card (debit card)

Comfortable and cashless

  • Secure online shopping
  • Wide range of applications
  • Full spending control

Always liquid with your debit card

  • Our debit card allows you to access your money at any time and in what ever way suits you
  • Pay cashless at almost any store with your personal identity number (PIN) and your signature
  • Precise overview of transactions in your account on your bank statement
  • Recharge your mobile phone credit at the ATM

Mobile Payment

Now you can also use mobile payment with your Sparkassen-Card*, Sparkasse credit card or rechargeable Sparkasse credit card*: Simply add your card to the Wallet app of your Apple device to use Apple Pay. Or download the “Mobile Payment” app for your Android™ smartphone. More information is available at

*If the text refers to the Sparkassen-Card and the rechargeable credit card, it is always a debit card.

Closely linked

While establishing a saxx comfort current account the debtit card is included.

Emergency number
+49 116 116

Our emergency number for blocking any of your cards and online banking access is open 24/7.  
